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  • What is Skinpen?

    SkinPen Precision is the worlds leading skin remodelling (microneedling) medical device that creates temporary small microscopic channels in your skin. This simple procedure activates your body’s natural skin-healing power to increase collagen and elastin, so your skin returns to a healthier-looking and youthful appearance. Watch your skin look younger and rejuvenated with SkinPen Precision.

  • Why choose Skinpen?

    Unlike other standard micro-needling procedures SkinPen Precision is the first ever device to be Medically Graded ll meaning it is a medical procedure. It works by activating the bodies natural healing power by creating microscopic channels in your skin increasing collagen levels and improving overall skin texture and radiance.

  • Results in as little as one treatment!

    And thats a promise, 96% of skinpen patients saw a difference in their skin after just one single treatment, but we recommend multiple treatments to maximise and pro-long benefits.

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Commonly asked Q's

Does the treatment hurt?

A topical numbing cream is applied before procedure, but no it does not hurt most clients find the treatment relaxing.

How long does the treatment take?

In total around 30 minutes, the treatment is very quick and comfortable!

What is the downtime?

We always suggest allowing 5-7 days before any events as there can be some redness post treatment lasting around 12-24hrs, usually looking like mild sunburn the next morning and a little skin peeling/shedding after 3 days.

Pre/post treatment care

We recommend staying out of the sun for at least 2 weeks post treatment, applying an SPF everyday and wearing a hat/sunglasses to protect skin, your clinican will go through full aftercare at your appointment.